Domnule MihaiV ,
Imi cer scuze pt. neincrederea mea !
Am o singura mulineta cumparata din Italia in octombrie 2003.
Nu am avut decit doua iesiri in care am putut sa probez mulineta, dar dupa parerea mea (de incepator !) este superba.
Mulineta mea are ambii tamburi cu dimensiunea 80 mm dar informatia ca exista in ambele dimensiuni (60-80mm) o am de la GIPO cu care am purtat o corespondenta despre mai multe modele de la Shimano. (GIPO este importatorul pt Romania)
Preturile pe care le-am postat sunt preturile oferite de Gipo in diverse variante de comanda (cu banii in avans sau la sosirea comenzii !)
Dar in afara Romaniei va garantez ca poate fi achizitionata mai ieftin( mai ales daca va luati TVA-ul inapoi !)
Daca reusiti sa vedeti o asemenea mulineta si va decideti sa achizitionati una trimiteti-mi un mail.
Eu vreau sa-mi mai cumpar una (prin vara!) si poate obtinem impreuna un pret mai bun...
Moderatori: mihai florescu, ticu, danr, PIRVU RICHARD, maiden, tudor oprescu, Tilea Gabriel
- Gabriel BOGDAN
- junior member
- Mesaje: 77
- Membru din: 12 Mar 2004 15:38
- Localitate: BUCURESTI
- Contact:
Mulineta "SHIMANO"
Gabi B.
- Gabriel BOGDAN
- junior member
- Mesaje: 77
- Membru din: 12 Mar 2004 15:38
- Localitate: BUCURESTI
- Contact:
Mulineta "SHIMANO"
Revin cu un link si cu prezentarea pe care o fac cei de la SHIMANO:
"The Super Baitrunner 10000XTE has a 30% increased spool capacity over the 6000&8000 size Baitrunners. The larger diameter means the line is wound around the spool over a bigger area and is placed under much less tension, even after playing a big xxx. So when you wind the rod up for that really big cast with the Super Baitrunner 10000XTE, the line really shoots, being virtually unimpaired by embedded line.
The Super Baitrunner 10000 comes with 2 spools as standard, both of which are manufactured from polished aluminium giving added strength and security when cranking in big xxx from extreme distances, plus minimising line friction on the spool lip.
With all the attributes of Shimano Stargate and Stress Free® technology, PLUS an incredible 7 ball bearings and a roller bearing, the Super Baitrunner 10000XTE is one of the smoothest, most efficient carp reel on the market.
Finished in gunsmoke grey the Super Baitrunner 10000XTE looks, performs and is an absolutely stunning carping reel.
Are you ready to go the distance? "
"The Super Baitrunner 10000XTE has a 30% increased spool capacity over the 6000&8000 size Baitrunners. The larger diameter means the line is wound around the spool over a bigger area and is placed under much less tension, even after playing a big xxx. So when you wind the rod up for that really big cast with the Super Baitrunner 10000XTE, the line really shoots, being virtually unimpaired by embedded line.
The Super Baitrunner 10000 comes with 2 spools as standard, both of which are manufactured from polished aluminium giving added strength and security when cranking in big xxx from extreme distances, plus minimising line friction on the spool lip.
With all the attributes of Shimano Stargate and Stress Free® technology, PLUS an incredible 7 ball bearings and a roller bearing, the Super Baitrunner 10000XTE is one of the smoothest, most efficient carp reel on the market.
Finished in gunsmoke grey the Super Baitrunner 10000XTE looks, performs and is an absolutely stunning carping reel.
Are you ready to go the distance? "
Gabi B.